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Kyiv Modern Ballet presents unique charismatic experiments in choreography. Each performance has a special philosophy behind. Leader and mentor of the ballet crew Radu Poklitaru(MD) created many choreographic novels. But this time he let members of the ballet to show their creative work. Olexiy Bus’ko and Anastasia Kharchenko presented to Kyiv audience Seasons… of Love
I was lucky to be present at premier and talk to dancers. Music and dance stand together in inspiring me. You can be inspired by music to dance or inspired by dance to compose music. Dance is music of movement. Get inspired with me.
Watch and go through Seasons of Love with me and dancers.

Olexiy Bus’ko (UA) says the whole idea come from music by Ukrainian composer Olexandr Rodin .Creative work went on natural course with various shootings and advice from collegues, Bus’ko adds :

“At once I saw it was a story of the two in four stages of love.Everyone will find something for him or herself..Music is inspiration to me and dance is what I use to show music.”


Olexandr Rodin (UA) admitted he was surprised Busko’s idea and vision of music. When it comes to movements no doubt arose:
“I knew Bus’ko is very sensitive to music and wouldn’t miss a single detail.I wrote Seasons with reference to stages in human life. Life itself inspires me ,I only need to put it all down on paper”

Even in musical context each season is represented by a different instrument. It helps to show boundaries between them. Spring is first violin, summer is second violin, autumn is alto,winter is cello. As for music it plays the role equal to choreography.


Course of nature is reflected in human lives, it is a part, a peculiar replica of it.
Spring is the time of first meeting and feelings birth, heart is full of hopes and dreams.


As summer comes your feelings take a maturity test. Wedding and first important steps together are taken. Are they strong enough to understand and forgive? Routine is considered romance killer. First scars appear leaving the unsaid behind.

Performance is original in imagery. Spilt milk on the oven works as a metaphor of emotions boiling and tearing you apart. He overlooks milk, burns his hand and later She cleans it over. They end up cuddling on the floor. It is all about understanding and depth of the feeling.

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Autumn is quite poetic yet sad season in both our story and year.
It opens with a quite typical scene. Where they start living separately and every collision is like sound of breaking plates or annoying noise out of nowhere in the head.
Here is a vase with water dripping down, like a flower of love losing a source of energy. As swings it is all about moving back and forth, pulling the blanket. Dancers shout not only with movements, but with their voice:”Me”.

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Child takes a box with personal belongings and puts it back on its place. It a mere attempt to stop his parents. But as seasons evolve, nature takes it all. Winter comes. Contrary to nature creators of Seasons wish winter would never came in relationship. There is no strength to fight for love that exists no more. Only anger and offence unite two people.

Inspired dancer and Bus’ko’s collegue Anastasia Kharchenko (UA) lived through the story of her character. Though some of the Seasons are extremely sad, she wouldn’t exclude any of them:
“It is impossible to name the favourite part of the performance. They are like four parts of one entity. You are born, you live though your personage, transform and you cannot single out one thing. Because there was always something that caused your current state.”

Dance represented music and music in its unique way represented choreography. But light and projections made a performance richer and more impressive.
Director of projections Maria Pustovalova (UA) gives her regards to the work of Olexiy Bus’ko and explain how they come to harmonious union of music , movements and light:

“We knew what parts will be projection,and which ones will be purely choreographic.We didn’t have much freedom, we should have gone in one direction – music and choreography.”

Con Tutti Instrumenti is a divertisment of philosophical, dramatic and emotional dance was a second act of the evening featuring various performances choreographed by host of the dance fest Radu Poklitaru and other dancers .
The jewel of the evening is Routine Rehearsal performance where Radu Poklitaru (MD). let the audience be literally present at rehearsals. Guru of Kyiv Modern Ballet modestly says his involvement into creation of Seasons was minimum:
“Olexiy showed me some episodes he wasn’t sure about, we discussed. But I put as little of my vision as possible because author and choreographer must develop himself. When it comes to talent ( and Olexiy is certainly a person to have one),it will tell him what to do.”

Pokritaru also reveals secrets of his inspiration:
“Inspiration is a myth.There is profession, craft we were taught by our teachers and there is craft we were taught by our experince. But inspiration can be different – music, recently read books, a film, a person you met, a breakfast prepared for your dear person, a political news episode, a book, good or bad mood. Anything good or bad. it is something we come with to the hall and then craft starts.
Not necessarily every work is autobiography. A profession of an artist has peculiar trait of being able to depict inner world of the characters maximum psychologically without being in their place.

Olexiy Bus’ko put a special message in Seasons:
“It should make people remember, think over what you should avoid, what to value more , what to take care of. I show how bad it can be, so people do it right”


I wish you to follow your heart and may winter come to streets with white snow ,not in your feelings with freezing parting. Get inspired. Fall in Love.

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