I enjoy sharing with you sources of my inspiration. I am not the only one to be inspired by music in all her forms (I don’t use “its” on purpose) . Piano is definitely an orchestra in the land of musical instruments. So many things are harmonized and infused in it. Flamboyance of techniques and emotions are embodied in every note. Just press the keys and fly away to let’s say a better variant of “here and now” .Chords, arpeggios, gammas…Unfortunately, I don’t have a piano at dorm (except for an app on my tablet, so all in all I have a piano… in my pocket. I am getting too poetic…
I thought that I would like to feel presence of piano with me, to preserve these emotions. So let’s piano around, I mean make it more “piano’y” around.

A note-book was on my shelf for quite a long time. Even its cover turned a bit old. I think it is time to fix it. To make a piaNote… If you remember there was its predecessor – an Applenote. PiaNOte is going to be juicy too, musically juicy.
1. Inspiration
2. Notebook
3. Piece of plastic, rubber paper (for piano keys)
4. Glue
5. Scissors
6. Scotch-tape
7. Marker, enamel
8. White ribbon
9. Beads (sequins)
10. Threads, needle
Action plan:
1. Cut keys out of plastic, you can use a ruler if you need. Try to make every key a bit more rounded,so it preserves authentic form.
2. Use a marker to shape keys, glue a piece of Scotch tape over them, put enamel over it. It will preserve color in the future.
3. Now just glue it to the notebook.
4. Let’s make a bookmark, so you can easily access a page you stopped at. First with a thread and needle trace key forms, later sew sequins to them. Use various colors, because music does.IMG_5756IMG_5791IMG_5792IMG_5791IMG_5793IMG_5796IMG_5795<img
5. Glue a newly-made bookmark to you PiaNote. Previously made note-clothespins can be used to join item while glue is drying.
6. Final touch is to draw piano keyboards on the textblock
7. PiaNote is ready. Here are some quotes to start notes in PiaNote)

Enjoy! I will be glad to see your comments to find out about your success in making PiaNotes. Thanks!

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