Monthly Archives: July 2014

Volunteerly Yours.The Film


Last summer I was lucky to go to France for a volunteer work camp.I thought it was partially accidental, but I believe everything happens for a reason. I met so many nice people there.
The House La Maison des Bateleurs became our common way to finding common language apart from linguistic or any other pecularities. As a part of work-camp we were supposed to create something, I helped to draw a picture of the main symbol of the house to decorate the place with it. But still I had a “more personal” project to do – to make a film about incredible time with amazing people.

Ліцензія Creative Commons
Твір “Volunteerly Yours / Щиро Ваші, Волонтери (film)“, створений Olga German/Ольга Герман ліцензовано за ліцензією Creative Commons Із зазначенням авторства – Некомерційна – Без похідних творів 4.0 Міжнародна.
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