Monthly Archives: December 2013

#EuroMaidan is in #my heart


Journalists and reporters worldwide cover the events of #EuroMaidan. It is a pity that a majority of materials are devoted to acts of aggression and confrontation. I admit is important to report about such things to raise awareness of what’s going on. But here I cannot post such things. Here I would like to share my impressions of simply being there around people and having so much in common with them.
Just to make sure you understand what I am talking about.

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Love:Seasonally and Off-Season


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Kyiv Modern Ballet presents unique charismatic experiments in choreography. Each performance has a special philosophy behind. Leader and mentor of the ballet crew Radu Poklitaru(MD) created many choreographic novels. But this time he let members of the ballet to show their creative work. Olexiy Bus’ko and Anastasia Kharchenko presented to Kyiv audience Seasons… of Love
I was lucky to be present at premier and talk to dancers. Music and dance stand together in inspiring me. You can be inspired by music to dance or inspired by dance to compose music. Dance is music of movement. Get inspired with me.
Watch and go through Seasons of Love with me and dancers.

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